5-Minute Try It: Belly Expansion

PURPOSE: To become very familiar with the belly center, the felt sense of different situations (i.e. relaxed, closed, scared, confident) and what the belly – this part of our body map – has to offer us. PREPARATION: Comfortable clothing preferable; chair...

5-Minute Try It: Open Further

PURPOSE: The more you welcome others, situations and what is, the freer and happier you become. PREPARATION: Be willing; let go of your concept of open and limited; comfortable clothing preferable. Minute one: Feel your present body state of openness. Declare your...

5-Minute Try It: Body Bouncing

PURPOSE: To become more intimate with your body and body wellness and the energy that is always moving. For practice, you will need: Your body. And, a flat surface to stand confidently, preferably outside. Minute one: Stand upright with a straight spine, soft...

5-Minute Try It: Get Interested

PURPOSE: Activate your interest muscle and experience the vibrancy of authentic interest. PREPARATION: Be alone without interruptions; comfortable clothing preferable. Minute one: Stand upright with a straight spine, mimicking a tall pine tree – a line of energy...

5-Minute Try It: Hands in Sand

PURPOSE: To feel and sense the creativity that moves through arms and hands. To compare creative experiences between our dominant and non-dominant hands. PREPARATION: Locate a bowl of sand, or a sand Zen garden, or be outside on the ground with the dirt. Minute...

5-Minute Try It: Favorite Props

PURPOSE: To share my personal favorite props for relating to and enjoying my body. And, to invite you to try them and/or get curious about your favorite body props and deepen your experience enjoying your body and your body sensations. PREPARATION: Ideas: pinky ball...