5-Minute Try It: Rest to Renewal

Still five minutes but a new format… PURPOSE: To practice the art of rest (somewhere other than bed) which opens the gateway to renewal. Spring has arrived. Are you feeling renewed? If not, try resting, really resting, to renewal. PREPARATION: For practice, you...

5-Minute Try It: Wake Up Your Body

Minute one: Smile, wiggle and wrinkle your face. Get ready to wake up! Minute two: Start at the top of your head and lightly tap all over with your finger-tips. Continue to your face and neck and upper back. Minute three: Move your taps to your chest area. Continue to...

5-Minute Try It: Experience & Expression

[iframe_vimeo video=”72415755″] Minute one: Reflect on experience – fully feeling and sensing in your body each moment; reflect on expression – fully demonstrating feelings and sensations. Minute two: Express movement with your body in new...

5-Minute Try It: Happy Tapper

Note: This takes a little preparation if you want the full experience. Insert tacks on the bottom of flat (no heels) shoes. A bow to my friend, Julia C., who bestowed me with the moniker, Happy Tapper. Minute one: Donning tap shoes wiggle your buttocks and loosen your...