5-Minute Try It: Why Wait? Celebrate!

PURPOSE: To gain access to the full spectrum of celebration. Minute one: Feel your entire body and ask, where does celebration live in my body? Minute two: Be silent and listen to your body’s answer. (Hint: notice sensations, be curious.) Minute three: Allow the...

5-Minute Try It: Bronze Medal Mastery

PURPOSE: To taste the edge of what is next and sense now & next in a whole new way, opening the way for Bronze Medal Mastery. Minute one: Bring to mind an activity you presently enjoy. (e.g. fishing, golfing, playing tennis, knitting, cooking) Minute two: Reflect...

5-Minute Try It: Moving in Structure, Moving in Flow

PURPOSE: To expand awareness of and capacity for moving in structure, moving in flow and wisdom to choose for the moment. PREPARATION: Comfortable clothing preferable Minute one: Stand tall and note where your body is located. Imagine to your left is structured space...

5-Minute Try It: Where is your Wait Button?

PURPOSE: To access the part of you that is stuck in “wait” mode and say, “it’s OK. Move.” PREPARATION: Comfortable clothing preferable. Minute one: Get familiar with the reality of waiting for something before taking action. Bring to mind...

5-Minute Try It: Belly Expansion

PURPOSE: To become very familiar with the belly center, the felt sense of different situations (i.e. relaxed, closed, scared, confident) and what the belly – this part of our body map – has to offer us. PREPARATION: Comfortable clothing preferable; chair...