From the Archives – Gifting from the Heart

PURPOSE: To gain access to your deeper wisdom for giving as an expression of love and appreciation. Minute one: Relax in a setting that inspires you (nature, before a fire, on a meditation cushion…) Minute two: Connect to the person to whom you want to give. It can...

5-Minute Try It: Fear response? Melt-It!

PURPOSE: To dissipate fear and welcome connection. Special thanks to Katie Hendricks, The Foundation for Conscious Living, for creating fear-melters. Minute one: Become awake to your unique signature fear response: fight, flee, freeze or faint. Pay attention to your...

5-Minute Try It: Attention Flow to Work or Rest

PURPOSE: To gain familiarity with your preference to work or rest, and to bring balance to your movement. Minute one: Our bodies signal the ability to move (work) or the need to slow/stop (rest). Bring awareness to the felt sense in your body, Minute two: Notice your...

A Reintroduction to 5-Minute Try-Its

They’re baaaaaack… videos that is. This month for your 5 minute practice you are invited to search the archives to sample, explore and play with your favorites. But first, do you remember the motivation for 5 Minute Try-Its? (Imagine “waiting...

5-Minute Try It: Spiral In – What’s Right?

PURPOSE: To loosen the grip of what’s wrong/requiring fixing, figuring, and futzing around. Minute one: Squint your eyes tight with just a sliver of light and say out loud “that’s wrong.” Notice how your body responds to “that’s...

5-Minute Try It: Why Wait? Celebrate!

PURPOSE: To gain access to the full spectrum of celebration. Minute one: Feel your entire body and ask, where does celebration live in my body? Minute two: Be silent and listen to your body’s answer. (Hint: notice sensations, be curious.) Minute three: Allow the...