Currency of Fun

Is there a common belief in society that work – in general – is hard and “not fun”? I wonder … This subject arose when Knight, our teenage son, arrived home from work one day without “clocking in” as his boss requested of him. Knight protested, “I was having so much...

Attention in Your Money Relationship

Paying attention to your money relationship, let’s explore the potential areas in your life that are calling for your attention.  Consider these statements and answer true or false: I spend and save in ways and amounts that support my life and well-being. My estate...

Money Moments of Grace

What are Money Moments of Grace? I wonder … Recently my mother-in-law broke her femur.  This surprise event took her to surgery where she was “repaired” with a long metal rod.  After a few days of recovery, she began physical therapy.  My partner visited her just...

Gifts And Stewardship, How Do They Relate?

“It is ironic indeed that money, originally a means of connecting gifts with needs, originally an outgrowth of a sacred gift economy, is now precisely what blocks the blossoming of our desire to give, keeping us in deadening jobs out of economic necessity and...

Financial Fear

As emotions are a natural “condition” of the human experience, I invite you to look closer at the emotion most often tied to money: fear. With the markets and global economy playing on the proverbial roller coaster, again, we are called to expand our way of facing...

Forecasting Financials

Every financial planner is well versed in preparing financial statements. These reports are an important part of the financial planning process. Preparing financial statements – forecasting financials – is one part of one of the six steps required by all Certified...