What Really Matters?

by | Jan 2, 2012

What Really Matters?  I wonder …

These words are the title of a book I recently purchased by Dr. Wyatt.  How I stumbled upon the book– an emergency visit to a clinic with my son while on vacation – is a testament to synchronicity of life and why wondering about What Really Matters is an essential exploration for life.  Most of us believe, or at one time believed, that money really matters.  Money does matter in the relative sense of life, depending upon how we choose to live life.  Let me explain.  If you choose to live a life that includes a home, a car, dining out, vacations, college, … “the American dream,” then financial resources matter because money is required to support these choices.  If you choose a simpler life, one that aligns closer to what the world offers naturally (breathing air, walking in nature, noticing the seasons), fewer financial resources are required to support this life choice.

Whether you choose a life that requires more or fewer financial resources is only part of the focus of this wondering.  The other focus is what really matters in the absolute sense; when we recognize that the things in life that matter are not really “things,” we open a new area of exploration that allows us to soften.  What really matters to you, and to those you love?  From this view, you can then make choices that are aligned with your heart’s desire.  And, when you are clear on your heart’s desire, then your energy moves to generate the financial resources to manifest both things and non-things, along the journey of what REALLY matters.

Happy New Year!