Reacting to Change in Plans?

by | May 20, 2013

What’s your reaction to a change in plans? I wonder…

I am a really good planner. I see a potential future and take positive action toward making it happen. Manifesting plans has been a relatively easy achievement for me.  Equally easy for me is spontaneous shifting when plans have an opportunity to get even better.  My growth opportunity of late has been watching really good plans shift as a result of something – so far out of sight and out of “control”.  I mentioned patience as a practice in an earlier blog.  Patience gives way to equanimity.  I am learning to release preferences for plans made or not, a practice in equanimity. For a “good planner”, this is radical territory.

Even more radical is wrapping your mind around planning and money. Our culture is steeped in financial planning in an effort to feel calm.  Consider the past five years and the shifts you have made in your plans. What has been your reaction? If you could embody a new way of reacting to a change in life related to money, what would it be? I wonder.