What “Shoulds” Do You Carry During the Holiday Season?

by | Dec 1, 2012

What “shoulds” do you carry during the holiday season? I wonder…

As we complete our annual day of gratitude on Thanksgiving, we ignite the end of the year buying and giving frenzy.  Often gift giving and receiving carry a plethora of shoulds … from families, society, our places of work.  These beliefs are so ingrained that credit card debt escalates during this time of year creating a short term debit balance on credit cards well into the next year.

If this feels familiar in any way, consider pausing from your normal holiday gift routine. Instead, reflect on what you want to create. What really matters to you and those you love? Allow your holiday gift expressions to come from conscious choice. Consider how you want your money energy to play a part of your choosing too.

Do you believe you should buy gifts for family, friends, and co-workers? IS there a well-worn holiday gifting pattern that no longer serves you?  What shoulds in your life are ready to be released? I wonder…