Spontaneous Generosity

by | Jul 28, 2014

Can you open to and appreciate spontaneous generosity? I wonder…

I am still getting used to my son’s new slightly used bright blue BMW sports car. His very generous grandmother promised him a car for his 18th birthday and graduation, if he maintained a high GPA his first year in college.  Late June, a year and month after his birthday, high-school graduation, and freshman year of college, his gift came into form.  Being the nicest car in the family, his car displaced my spouse’s 2002 SUV with more than 250,000 miles  in the garage.

For a few days after the car arrived, I noticed my discomfort with his good fortune.  It seemed too easy and generous – my favorite halt to possibility.  A few wonderings later, I realized the subtle way I close to generosity.

How about you? Are you really really really open to generosity? Are you an appreciator of easy and abundant receiving? I wonder…