Blaming Money

by | Feb 20, 2012

It’s easier to blame money.  Why?  I wonder …

In the many years of working in the financial world, without skipping a beat, people blame money as the direct cause of pain and suffering.  Just recently, a client, whose partner is heroically enduring debilitating cancer treatments, began to misdirect her sadness and anger about her beloved’s situation to not having enough money.  Instead of accessing her true feelings and authentically expressing her fear, sadness and anger, it was easier to grasp at money and spew energies toward this mystery rather than face the painful truth of her situation.  Skillfully the conversation was opened and we were able to navigate to what really mattered for her and her husband.

Money is an easy target to avoid the truth.  Life presents many situations and uncertainties – both painful and joyful – to learn, grow and make choices.  Money, like trees, rocks, buildings, water, is just there in the midst of the confusion as you endeavor to gain clarity and peace.

When life presents uncertainties, confusion, and pain, how do you avoid the truth by blaming money?  What are your unique ways of creating more pain and suffering by bringing money into the picture?