College Education

How many of us spend our career applying the knowledge gained from our college degree?  I wonder … A general belief in American culture is that a college education is essential for lifelong success. A college degree has for many years been the equivalent of a...


What do these words – downsizing, upgrading, trading up, and retiring – really mean?  I wonder … The other day driving on the main road in town, I passed a home on a large piece of property being torn down. For almost 25 years living in my present home I have...

Financial Clouds

What are financial clouds? I wonder … Have you ever noticed that we say, the sun is out today or the sun is shining, as if, there are times whenthe sun is NOT beaming rays of light? Clouds roll in and cover the light and obscure the truth. That’s how it is with money...

Practical Actions or Limiting Behaviors?

What kind of “practical” actions are really limiting behaviors in disguise?  I wonder … My daughter landed a job at college while getting lost en-route to the Career Center.  Let me rephrase.  In an effort (and it is an effort) to support our daughter’s future in the...

Benevolent Doubt

Are there different kinds of doubt and are any beneficial to money? I wonder … This past weekend a friend was reading a passage about doubt from a spiritual book.  The phrase benevolent doubt was used and my attention was on fire.  In money, doubt and uncertainty run...