Money Moves

by | Aug 14, 2011

Being a professional financial advisor, I understand the intricacies of money: investing, saving, tax planning, asset protection, retirement, transitions, philanthropy, budgeting…
the list continues. When I began my career almost 25 years ago, I did not embrace the invisible, interior aspects of money. It was only through personal experience, the messages from my parents and relating to clients, that I grasped the seriousness people carry around the subject of money.  The seriousness inspired me to wonder.

A few years ago I decided that there is a vast opportunity to transform the serious way we explore money, deal with money, invest money, understand money. There is another way to explore money and your relationship with it ~ what about fun? Play? and possibilities?

  • Try seeing money as your ally.
  • Try experiencing money as energy that wants to move and contribute in the world.
  • Try seeing plenty of money.
  • Try seeing money as one aspect of a wealthy life.
  • Try seeing money as fun!

Using a foundation of joy and wonder and inspired by my conversations over the years, I created friendly ways to explore money … and your beliefs, thoughts and curiosity about it. I developed a deck of 12 MoneyMoves cards to open the curious portal of money exploration. My inintention is to shift the serious side of money to curiosity, wonder and play for the purpose of shifting your awareness and transforming your relationship with money.

Ready To Spend is sized for your wallet to be placed in front of your credit cards enabling you to be aware of your spending in the moment of purchase. Three Buckets of Sand can accompany a monetary gift; the recipient also receives an opportunity for reflection around the givers generosity. We Can’t Take It With Us helps you to align your financial resources with what matters most. Use this card as you review your checking, savings and investments periodically. When you are pricing a service, a product or experience, reflect upon Increasing Your Value to deepen your awareness of value pricing and increase your sense of worth. If you or a friend is going through a transition, Embracing the Space is the perfect card to support the journey. Scarcity thoughts and behavior can be shifted and transformed with Naturally in a State of Abundance, Get Curious, Not Serious and The Inside-Out Move. If you are having a problem with debt, turn to In Debt? Turn It Around, MoneyMoves. Mired in thoughts about the future and financial management and what wealth is all about, cards like Try Rewirement, Financial Planning on a Toothpick and True Wealth is in Our Hearts will delight your journey.

The possibilities for application are boundless. Make up your own play as you dive into the experience. And consider some of mine. The cards are meant to move in the world, like the energy we possess within our spirit and the energy that money is. Stick them on your computer, refrigerator, car dashboard, bathroom mirror as a visual touch to guide you on your money journey. The size of the cards is perfect for your wallet, as a bookmark or to send with a card in the mail.

Most of all, I invite you to claim the joyful, expansive and magical energy of money. I invite you to let go of your serious money beliefs and open to new beliefs that serve you now.