Sufficiency Practice with Breath

by | Jan 21, 2017

Minute one: Breath normally – comfortably without altering your breath. Notice your routine breathing flow.  Where is your attention?

Minute two: Now inhale too much breath so that your lungs, throat and belly hurt. Exhale so that you have no space left in your diaphragm. Repeat for several rounds. Notice your change in awareness.  Where does your attention go?

Minute three: Now inhale too little so that you feel a lack, perhaps a sense of anxiety emerges. Exhale too little. Repeat for several rounds. Notice your change in awareness. Where does your attention go?

Minute four: Return to your normal inhalation and exhalation. Recognize your sufficient breath. Begin to refine the quality of your breath sufficiency. Notice how much breath is sufficient in each moment. What happens to your breath? What becomes sufficient?  What has changed from minute one?

Minute five: Keep breathing in a pace and depth of sufficiency. Recognize that in each moment, sufficiency is different. When you sleep and when you are physically active, sufficient breath changes.

Complete your practice by committing to practice breath sufficiency in different physical situations and strengthen your sufficiency muscle.